In 2008, I was sitting in the front row at The Unity Center in San Diego, excited to hear Deepak Chopra talk about his recently published, "The Third Jesus." When he started his talk, his first comment was "Every day I wake up and ask myself 'Who am I today?'" This common question is what the sages say life is truly about. We are here to learn who we are. The challenge is we think we are going to arrive at the place where we have the answer, but then we never get there because we are constantly evolving and learning something new about ourselves.
At this point in my life, I have been asking a lot another question. Where am I? The emphasis for me is the word "I" not "where" and this is an important distinction. My writings here on Patreon have been like an online journal, historical record, photo gallery, and reminiscences of where I have been. It seems here on this platform I get to mash up my past, my present to create a new future that is yet to be known. One of my Sally Sayings is, "We do not get to where we are if we have not been where we have been." Until quite recently, I did not want to be where I was, emphasis on where...or who I was, emphasis on "I". That time though thank God passed. Patreon was one of my medicines to help me enjoy once again who I am and where I am. When thinking about my topic today to muse and create around I went first to my vast galleries of images. Often I start my creations here with perusing through journals looking for poetry. Since I trust the Creator in me, when I saw this photo taken so long ago....when I loved who I was and where I was...I wondered what poem would match the sense of pride that I was living my dreams when it was taken. Of course, within moments I found the poem from a time where I was again not happy with where and who I was. I am not naive. I know that the feeling I have today about who and where I am in my waking dream I will always be content. But today, I am content. I can affirm freely with my words that I am at peace. As I have surrendered my struggle to accept where I am, I have found ease. The younger me in the photograph is still in me. I see her. I know her. I love her. I am proud that she had a radio show in San Francisco on KEST. The station's tagline was The Personal Growth Radio Station. By the early 1990s metaphysics had not yet gone main stream. I was one of the revolutionaries to push the cultural comfort zone and open up spirituality riding the waves of the New Age. This opening of minds and hearts the generations now being raised with TikTok do not understand that you could not get astrology, numerology, psychics, healers, crystal magic, tarot instantly on your phone. Now that I know where I am, I know I have another question to ask myself. "How I can be a cultural revolutionary today?" That question makes me smile. I will let you know how the answer shows up to guide my dreams and action. I am curious and that is glorious. ~ Sally Aderton, Utica, IL, April 13, 2022
~ By Sally Aderton, January 1, 2019, La Salle, IL Photo by Sally Aderton September 17, 2019, Utica, IL For several months before New Year's Day 2019, I kept hearing in my consciousness "365 Days of Meditation". This was the first poem I wrote toward that vision. I wrote 78 poems between January 1 and June 10th in 2019. At some point, I gave up the idea of one per day and gave myself permission to just write 365 poems. My plan is to share many of these poems now in the order they were written here on my blog. All of them will be on Patreon. Some on Patreon will be private just for my Patrons, and some will be public and the same I will post here. I am ready.
Sally Aderton
Owner of Intuitive Arts & Sciences who is known to talk too much. Oh well, We choose to listen & she believes it is the most powerful choice to make. Archives
April 2022
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